What is your favorite billionaire?

Name Votes Share
Andres Bzurovski Bay Andres Bzurovski Bay 0
Antonio Gracias Antonio Gracias 0
Art Levinson Art Levinson 0
Arthur Xiaobo Hong Arthur Xiaobo Hong 0
Ashwin Desai Ashwin Desai 0
Baiju Bhatt Baiju Bhatt 0
Benny Suherman Benny Suherman 0
Bernard Charles Bernard Charles 0
Blairo Maggi Blairo Maggi 0
Bob Muglia Bob Muglia 0
Cao Jianwei Cao Jianwei 0
Carlos Eduardo M. Scripilliti Carlos Eduardo M. Scripilliti 0
Carlos Pires Oliveira Dias Carlos Pires Oliveira Dias 0
Carson Brice Carson Brice 0
Caspar Callerström Caspar Callerström 0
Chang Kuo-Ming Chang Kuo-Ming 0
Charles Gibbon Charles Gibbon 0
Chen Wenyuan Chen Wenyuan 0
Christian Angermayer Christian Angermayer 0
Christian Herz Christian Herz 0
Chua Thian Poh Chua Thian Poh 0
Clelia Haji-Ioannou Clelia Haji-Ioannou 0
Clóvis Ermírio de Moraes Clóvis Ermírio de Moraes 0
Craig Abod Craig Abod 0
Diane Kemper Diane Kemper 0

Your vote matters!

Hey there, the world of billionaires can be quite dynamic, but let's take a moment to highlight the positive aspects. We've curated a list of standout billionaires who have been making significant waves. Now, it's your opportunity to participate – we invite you to vote for your favorite. Whether it's their entrepreneurial acumen, philanthropic efforts, or transformative innovations, these individuals have earned their recognition. So, grab your virtual ballot and join us in celebrating those who are making a profound impact in the global business arena!

Top Billionaires

How to find your billionaire?
