Benny Suherman

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Benny Suherman
Net Worth
1.1 Billion USD
Birth Date
6 January 1948
Media & Entertainment

Benny Suherman is a prominent billionaire in Indonesia, recognized for his substantial contributions to the country's retail and property development sectors. As the founder and chairman of Mitra Adiperkasa (MAP), he has been instrumental in shaping Indonesia's retail landscape and establishing MAP as the leading retail conglomerate in the country.

Founded in 1995, MAP has grown under Suherman's leadership to encompass a diverse portfolio of over 2,200 retail outlets representing more than 150 international brands across fashion, food & beverage, sports, and lifestyle categories. The company's success is attributed to Suherman's strategic vision, adept management, and ability to anticipate and capitalize on consumer trends.

Beyond retail, Suherman has also made significant investments in property development through his company, Intiland Development Tbk. Under his guidance, Intiland has developed numerous prestigious residential, commercial, and mixed-use projects in Indonesia, contributing to urban development and infrastructure growth.

Suherman's entrepreneurial journey highlights his commitment to driving economic development and creating employment opportunities in Indonesia. His leadership extends beyond business as he actively participates in philanthropic initiatives aimed at supporting education, healthcare, and community welfare.

As Indonesia's economy continues to evolve, Benny Suherman remains a key figure in the business community, navigating challenges and exploring opportunities for growth. His entrepreneurial acumen, coupled with a focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility, underscores his influence and impact on Indonesia's business landscape.


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