Lucia Maggi

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Lucia Maggi
Net Worth
1.2 Billion USD
Birth Date
20 July 1932

Lucia Maggi, a prominent figure in the agribusiness sector, is recognized as one of Brazil's wealthiest individuals. She co-founded Amaggi Group, one of the largest soybean producers and exporters in the world, alongside her late husband, André Maggi. The company, established in 1977, has grown to encompass a range of activities including soybean production, trading, transportation, and energy.

Lucia Maggi’s journey into agribusiness began in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil, where the couple saw immense potential for soybean cultivation. Their vision and hard work transformed vast tracts of land into highly productive agricultural enterprises. Amaggi Group's success is attributed to its innovative farming techniques, investment in infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability, which have positioned it as a key player in the global soybean market.

As the matriarch of the Maggi family, Lucia Maggi has not only overseen the company's expansion but also ensured its continued growth and diversification. Under her leadership, the company has ventured into areas like biofuels and renewable energy, reflecting a forward-thinking approach to business and environmental stewardship. This diversification has helped Amaggi Group maintain resilience in the face of market fluctuations and environmental challenges.

Beyond her business acumen, Lucia Maggi is known for her philanthropic efforts. She has been actively involved in initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, and social welfare in Brazil. Her contributions to society extend the Maggi family's legacy beyond the economic realm, highlighting their dedication to fostering community development and social progress.

Lucia Maggi's influence extends through her family, with her son Blairo Maggi, a former governor of Mato Grosso and Brazil's Minister of Agriculture, continuing to play a significant role in both politics and agribusiness. Lucia's story is one of entrepreneurial spirit, resilience, and a profound impact on both the agricultural industry and Brazilian society.


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