Hartley Rogers

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Hartley Rogers
Net Worth
1.2 Billion USD
Birth Date
20 October 1959
United States
Finance & Investments

Hartley Rogers, an influential American billionaire, is best known for his leadership in the private equity and financial sectors. He serves as the Chairman and CEO of Hamilton Lane, a global private markets investment management firm headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With decades of experience, Rogers has played a pivotal role in shaping Hamilton Lane into a premier institution in the investment management industry.

Born in the late 1950s, Rogers's educational background laid a strong foundation for his future endeavors. He earned a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he honed his financial acumen and strategic thinking skills.

Rogers’s career began in investment banking at Morgan Stanley, where he gained substantial experience in mergers and acquisitions. This experience paved the way for his move to Hamilton Lane in 1999. Under his leadership, Hamilton Lane has grown exponentially, managing over $500 billion in assets and serving a diverse clientele, including pension funds, endowments, and high-net-worth individuals.

Hamilton Lane is renowned for its innovative approach to private market investments, offering services such as primary fund investments, secondary transactions, and co-investments. Rogers’s strategic vision has driven the firm’s expansion into international markets, establishing offices in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, thereby enhancing its global footprint.

Beyond his professional achievements, Hartley Rogers is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He actively supports various educational and cultural institutions, reflecting his commitment to giving back to the community. He serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations and educational institutions, leveraging his expertise to foster growth and development in these sectors.

Rogers’s career is marked by a blend of financial expertise, strategic leadership, and a dedication to philanthropy. His work at Hamilton Lane has not only positioned the firm as a leader in private markets but also highlighted his ability to drive growth and innovation in the financial industry. Hartley Rogers’s contributions continue to have a lasting impact on both the business world and the communities he supports.


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